Case Repository Questions

1.     Does Esquire provide case repositories?
Yes. At your request, we can add all members of a litigation team (attorneys and support staff and even represented client) so that everyone on the team can log in and see the proceeding files. This is the default for large cases. To request a managed case repository, contact us as

2.     Can an expert witness have access to the repository?
Yes. We can create an account for the expert witness. As transcripts are added to the case repository, the expert witness has view and download access. Contact us as

3.     If a person is added to a case repository after the case has begun, do we need to republish the earlier transcripts to the person’s repository?
No. Regardless of when someone is added to a case repository, that person can see all of the transcripts and exhibits that have been published.

4.     Will all sides of a case see the same transcripts in their repository?
Each side of a case will see only the transcripts ordered by someone on their legal team.