Invoice Questions

Can I still see my invoices and pay on-line?
Yes. You can see the invoices of the ordering attorneys you are linked to (or your own invoices, if you are an attorney) in one table. You can sort by case, attorney, date range, and status (paid or unpaid). You can pay one or more invoices at a time, or export the results to a spreadsheet.  You can make partial payments. Receipts are available in your account.

Can attorneys be automatically linked to their invoices?
Yes. When an attorney is assigned an EsquireConnect account, either through registration or by scheduling for the first time, that attorney is linked automatically to their invoices. They do not need to fill out a request to be linked. Once a contact links himself or herself to an attorney’s account, they have access to the attorney’s invoices.

What are some of the benefits of Invoices?
The first one is easy: You will never lose another invoice. Batch paying online is faster and simpler. Once an invoice has been paid, the invoice will show a zero balance.

What do I have to do if I want my client, or another party, to pay the invoice?
They can use the “Pay Now” link at the bottom of the invoice.

What do I do if my client wants me to pay the invoice?
You can use the “Pay Now” link at the bottom of the invoice.

Can I make a partial payment?
Yes. Partial payments are supported. Read more at Invoices.