My Account Questions

What does the My Account page include?
My Account is your administrative page. You can find what you are looking for quickly:

  • My Info – Update password, name, email and phone information, set the default opening page, determine which optional headings appear on the My Activity screens

  • Preferences by Attorney -  Request communications, scheduling and production options by linked attorney. See who is linked to each attorney.

  • My Attorneys – Link to and unlink from an attorney in the contact’s firm location, request new attorney be added (replaces proxy users). This list appears in the Attorney drop-down list on the Scheduling page. Attorney cannot be linked to each other, except at the case level.

  • My Clients – See list of Esquire Enterprise clients linked to the firm, request new linking, and see more info about the Enterprise client. This list appears in the “Billing Client” drop-down lists on the Scheduling page

My attorney doesn’t want to receive email notifications. How do I turn them off?
Contact, or go to
My Account: Preferences by Attorney. Select the linked attorney from a drop-down list and select the scheduling or repository notification preferences, then click the Save button. This will update your notification preferences for that attorney.

What is Preferences by Attorney?
Preferences by Attorney gives attorneys, paralegals and secretaries the ability to add or remove the attorney or contact from the confirmation, transcript and repository email notification list, and to request (or un-request) a certain court reporter, and set certain preferences for communication, and scheduling. 

Can multiple legal staff schedule for the same attorney(s)?
Yes, using Team Scheduling. Multiple Legal Staff select to be linked to the same attorney(s) in 
My Account: My Attorneys. A list of those contacts linked to an attorney is shown under My Account: Preferences by Attorney. Once a person is linked to an attorney, that person can see all settings and invoices associated with that attorney.  If multiple people are linked to one or more attorneys, then that group can schedule as a team.

Can an attorney link themselves to another attorney?
No, an attorney will not see the 
My Attorneys page. If multiple attorneys are working on a case, they should ask their Esquire representative to create a Managed Case repository. Provide the names, email addresses and firm/corporate names. One repository can be shared by multiple counsel, co-counsel, support staff, and corporate representatives.

Can I change my address in EsquireConnect?
A client can go to 
My Account: My Info and request to have their firm address changed. That request generates a request ticket that is sent to the appropriate department to review and update. We do it this way because each firm location is associated with one address record. So changing the address for one person will change it for many people. 

What information can I change in My Account?
A client can change the following information without review: password, first and last name, and phone number. The client can also select which EsquireConnect page appears after logging in. Billing managers, for example, may want to always see the
Invoices page first. Finally, the client can select several optional headings to their My Activity page.

Can I change my account’s email address?
Please submit a ticket requesting a new email address, which will also be your new username.

How do I request changes scheduling confirmation emails?
You can change who should receive confirmation emails for each linked attorney by going to 
My Account: Preferences by Attorney. Or contact Client Care at