My Activity Questions

What does My Activity show?
My Activity shows all settings associated with your attorneys (or you, if you're an attorney).  The default view is three months forward and two months back from the current date. You can change the date by clicking on the beginning and ending date and changing the calendar.  

What are some of the benefits of My Activity?

  • You can filter by attorney to come up with a list of all current work by a certain attorney

  • You can filter by case to see all of the upcoming settings associated with a case, including the status of all of the proceedings 

  • You can filter by attorney and case to see which proceedings are associated with a specific setting attorney

  • You have the option of exporting all results to Excel or to a formatted Adobe Acrobat PDF report

  • You can find a specific setting (or all of them) for an old case that has come back alive, even one seven years old, using just a partial name using Quick Find search.

I have a lot of cancelled settings I don’t want to wade through. Can I hide them?

Yes! The default is not showing cancelled settings. You can unhide the cancelled settings by clicking on the Show Cancelled Settings checkbox.