Scheduling Questions

What is "drag-and-drop parsing"?

When scheduling a proceeding, you have the option of selecting your notice and dragging it onto the scheduling screen. Once you have done that, EsquireConnect will take over. It will upload the notice, parse (or read) it, take relevant information from the notice (such as case name, witness name, and services requested), and auto-fill in the form. Review the form for completeness and accuracy before submitting.

How does drag-and-drop parsing help me?

Drag-and-drop parsing saves you even more time spent filling out the form. You can drag and drop up to five notices if the proceedings are for the same case, on the same day, at the same location.

What if I have notices for different cases?

For now, batch processing is limited to the same case, location, and date. In early 2025 you will be able to drag and drop up to 10 notices for any case, any location!

What format does my notice need to be in?

The notice must be in a PDF (text or image) or Word format.

What if I don't have a notice?

You can still schedule by completing the scheduling form manually. Many of your fields of information will be selectable.

What do I do if EsquireConnect can't read my notice?

If EsquireConnect cannot read your notice, then attach it to the scheduling form using the second attachment button, and complete the form manually.

Can I drag and drop my revised notice if I need to reschedule?

No. Drag and drop is for initial requests only. You can attach your revised notice using the second attachment button.

Can I see and reschedule a deposition I scheduled by phone or email?
Yes.  All settings (if you are an attorney) or your attorney’s (if you are legal staff), regardless of how they were scheduled, can be viewed —and modified—in EsquireConnect.

Can I schedule more than one witness at once for the same day?
Yes. You can schedule one or more witnesses for the same day with one request. Just enter multiple names in the 
Witness Name(s) field, separated by commas (you can include the time next to each witness). Or you can use a different scheduling request for each witness. 

If you are using drag-and-drop, you can drag up to five notices onto the scheduling form, if they are for the same case, at the exact location, on the same day. This will create one scheduling request. If you want a different scheduling request for each one, process one notice at a time.

What does Client Information mean?
Client Information is the name of the enterprise client or insurance company you represent and who also has an arrangement with Esquire. Your client may have directed you to use EsquireConnect by this client. Select that client so that they can enjoy preferred rates. Note that you do not have to fill in the third-party billing information; we know who to bill based on the corporate arrangement.

When do I select Third-Party Billing?
If your client requests to be billed, enter their name and billing information in the Third-Party Billing field.