What's New

Refer to this online knowledge base to learn more about EsquireConnect. Contact your Esquire representative or send us a note at discover@esquiresolutions.com to set up a webinar for your staff. Here are some of the new and improved features.


  • Introducing a new way to schedule proceedings. Drag and drop up to five notices (exact date, case, and location) individually to create five separate requests, batched together to make one scheduling request. EsquireConnect will parse your notice and autofill the scheduling form. You just review, edit if necessary, and submit. You will receive an automated reply email confirming receipt, and if you request Zoom, you will receive a meeting link within the hour!


  • Expanded Remote Services on the Scheduling page.

  • Zoom links are now sent to the attorney and scheduling contact within an hour of scheduling, and others are notified as Esquire is informed of additional parties, either by EsquireConnect or email.

  • Bug fixes